Email marketing is one of the best marketing techniques to generate massive income. Now a day every one using emails for business and personal use. We daily open email to check inbox for new emails; this is like a daily routine of our day to day life. The marketer takes an advantage of this by putting best offer and deal to attract them to purchase produce or use service.
Today I will review some of the best email marketing software to help you to send attractive emails and easy to use service. lot of email marketing software are available and some of best and most popular email marketing software listed in this article.
5 Best Email Marketing Software Reviews
1. Constant Contact
Constant Contact offers 500+ customizable email templates that attract people to product for optimize conversion rate. If you want to create your own customizable email template then you can create your own with basic HTML or HTML5.
Pricing is monthly basis based on number of email addresses from $15 per Month for below 500 addresses to $75 per Month for 10,000 email addresses.
Discount offers to pre-payers and non-profits customers. Try constant contact free for 60 days.
2. MailChimp
MailChimp is widest used email marketing software has more then 500+ customizable email templates. If people want to create their own, MailChimp offers drag and drop editor to create email templates.
MailChimp offers customer an open API to integrate into their application program. Google Analytics, Paypal, SurveyMonkey, Shopify and others currently integrated with MailChimp.
Advantage for small business owner having less than 2000 emails subscribers and serve lesser than 12000 email per month. MailChimp provide free version for them. If you need more they Pay$10 per Month for below 500 Subscribers to $240 per Month for 50,000 email addresses. Paid plan offers unlimited number of email sending.
3. ExactTarget
ExactTarget is fully automatic email marketing software that most email marketers use. The big business are use ExactTarget for send bulk emails. To manage customer query they assist dedicate account manager.ExactTarget provides social media embedding like Mail Chimp.
ExactTarget does not having monthly basic plan. The price is decided by communicating with ExactTarget executives. Price is based on your email value and your convenience basis.
4. AWeber
200+ customizable email templates. AWeber has easy to integration with paypal, WordPress, EventBrite and others. They offers full analytics report such as location, clicks or subscribers, evens, visitor of website and other thinks help to watch conversions and improve conversion accordingly.
Pricing options varies depend on requirements. General range for plans include from $20 per month for 500 email subscribers to $150 per Month for 25000 subscribers.
5. Emma Mail
Near about 100+ templates available, as well as custom design. Facility of drag and drop option editor software like Mail Chimp.Emma allow to integrate Google analytics, social media, aviary sites. Best thing about emma is transparent to user about list of subscriber who take an action.
Pricing is start from $30 per month for 1000 subscribers to $125 per month for 10000 subscribers. Also offers 20% discount non-profit and pre payable, emma offer 30 day free trial.