Creative blogger uses email marketing service to earn revenue. Feedburner and Aweber are most popular services. i have little bit of fair because comparing fee and free is somewhat difficult for me, but make sure this through might be change your way of thinking.
In this post i will compare various aspect by differentiating it. so after reading you can identify which program is useful and for what?
when should i use FeedBurner over Aweber?
FeedBurner is good for beginner but once you start exploring this service feel like limiting you. if you are new beginner take look on read this article careful and plan for success.
- Niche site of having income from Adsense only. for example i’m using Feedburner for site.
- Don’t have money or creating blog like personal, hobby. In that case it’s good to use FeedBurner.
- You are blogging on multiple blogs and primary earning source is adsense.
- If you don’t need email marketing to earn money.
Problems become advantage of Aweber over FeedBurner:
Aweber playing a vital role for me to explore my thought and moving me every day towards my success. because of those prons email marketing becoming less painful.
- NaN Customization options available with FeedBurner.
- No Personalise Even if “Hii ISeen Lab”. (Allow Personalise editing with Aweber).
- Lot of complain regarding Delivery of email with FeedBurner.
- Aweber allows email Newsletter as well as Article Sequence.
- Full control over customization and Look with Aweber.
- Advanced Feature like provision for Feedback i.e. “thank you” pages.
- Additional to all i can add subscribers manually by import subscriber or directly.
Scenario Between FeedBurner vs Aweber:
Let’s take an example: If you are posting 4 article every week for four weeks. user had subscribed on third week, so user get only fourth post in his/her inbox and will not get previous posts from 1 to 3.
if you have evergreen article and you want reader to read specific set of articles. autoresponders exactly doing same job i.e Aweber. you can create sequence of articles, set time between each article delivery and autoresponder will do for you for each subscribers.
Bottom Line:
From past few years their are lot of things changed in this field. we have to make ourself up to date. Many blogger use blogging to earn money and you are working on same from couple of month. one thing is important that only email list is way to reach your subscriber at anytime.
Now Build Your Email System and Move towards Success !
If you think like me and want to earn money from blogging. then start building email list and Aweber help a lot to do so. Take a trial of Aweber account from given link below.
Few Things Need to Consider after creating Trial Account :
- Build Email List First and add subscription Widget on your site.
- Create Auto-Responder for upcoming weeks. (1 email every week)
- Create PDF to increase subscribers. (like affiliate marketing tips ebook enter email and get copy of it on your email id).