Earning Money from online is now somewhat difficult. but still have many easier way to earn for that you need a plan and excellent way for implementation of it. We here elaborating RevenueHits Review about making $238 on the first month. Revenue Hits is well performing ads network after Adsense. While if you want to know more about well performing Adsense alternatives and way to increase Adsense earning refer thus post.
Revenue Hits offers three different types of ads: Banner ads, SideBar ads, and Popup ads. Those ads format makes your blogging experience better and help to make decent revenue out of it. Chitika and infolinks is another best performing publisher network. You can check how ISeenLab making money from infolinks and strategy used to earn from chitika. I know you are waiting for your payout from online publisher. Here ISeenLab will cover the ways to earn lot of money with less effort.
What does make Revenue Hits as best Adsense Alternative?
Revenue Hits serves different best performing ads format. That will helps you to get high click through rate. Just you have to concentrate on web traffic and layout of the website. below are the ad types that will help you to serve different ads to visitor, so revenuehits earning will increase as compared with other ads networks.
- Banner Ads – Place top or within content.
- Sidebar Ads – Specific for sidebar only.
- Popup Ads – to take visitor attraction to ads.
- No Account Approval Process.
- Easy to add website to account.
How ISeenLab Made $238 on first month from RevenueHits?
In this we took RevenueHits.com Review and also feature. Let’s start technique to generate money from Revenuehits ads network. Best practice is to find long tail keyword with high CPC rate. Many blogger are earning decent income from best adsense alternative like Revenuehits and Infolinks. So now it’s your turn to apply strategy and grow your income.
Generally I use Semrush SEM tool to find low competitor keyword. Also help me to get 300% traffic boom than older techniques. Because of Semrush I can find low competitor keyword and high quality traffic.
Read Semush as a Competitor Research tool
Above two paragraphs teach you to get traffic and then follow those steps.
- Website Design (that match with ads & fill like your content).
- Placement of Ads (to increase CTR)
- Web Traffic (already explain above)
- Test Different Ads format.[6th point will cover this]
- Competitor analysis (Semrush tool help you).
- Dynamic Ads Serving (to get more ads clicks).
RevenueHits Payment Proof 2016
Revenuehits minimum payout is $50. One you will cross the threshold they will pay wages at the end of the month. RevenueHits earning report for second month $238 and for the first month $171.82.
Hope this revenuehits review and revenuehits payment proof information is helpful and thanks for given attention to read this ISeenLab post. Finally one think I can say “Welcome and best wishes for the future”.
You can also try Chitika and infolinks to make blogging experience better. ISeenLab trying to share whatever the experience have with blogger like you. So if you have anything special and want to share then comment below and help blogger like you. Thanks again to read Revenuehits review with earning technique to earn decent revenue from them.